Violenza in un carcere femminile video downloader

Paola senatore, jenny tamburi, eva czemerys, anita strindberg. Undercover reporter emanuelle poses as a prostitute in order to expose a prisons human rights violations. E scattata da una segnalazione del garante delle persone private della liberta personale del. Emanuelle is shocked by the horrors and humiliation the prisoners are. Laura gemser, gabriele tinti, maria romano, ursula flores, antonella giacomini.

Emanuelle, una giornalista americana di colore, riesce a farsi rinchiudere in una prigione femminile per indagare sulle atrocita e umiliazioni a cui le prigioniere. Violence in a womens prison, emanuelle reports from a womens prison, caged women. This is a pretty standard women in prison wip flick with a few interesting twists to it. A human rights activist goes undercover in a prison to expose the corrupt officials who are mistreating the inmates. She discovers the abuse, torture and humiliation the prisoners are subjected to, which she also personally receives. Violence in a womens prison 1982 the movie database tmdb. Emanuelle is shocked by the horrors and humiliation the prisoners are subjected to, but when her true identity is discovered, she finds herself at the receiving end. Avatar, il piu piratato del 2010 e stato il film piu scaricato del 2010 e ad oggi e il film piu scaricato di sempre. Continuando a navigare sul sito, lutente accetta di utilizzare i cookie privacy accetto. Emanuelle goes undercover into a prison to expose the corrupted officials who are brutalizing the inmates.

Violence in a womens prison 1982 the movie database. E probabilmente tra i wip piu noti nel mondo, anche solo per locandine e titolo, pur rimanendo una immane porcata senzanima e senza una sola scena degna di essere ricordata. Shes shocked at the brutal treatment of inmates, but things get worse when the prison warden discovers emanuelles true identity. Autoplay when autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next. With laura gemser, gabriele tinti, maria romano, ursula flores. Sep 06, 2017 autoplay when autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next. Con gabriele tinti, laura gemser, leila ducci, maria romano. As with any wip, it includes shower scenes, hosedowns, catfights, food fights, lesbian trysts, mean guards, corrupt officials and a heroine who is unjustly confined because of her boneheaded boyfriends crime. Scarpe rosse, simbolo della lotta alla violenza sulle donne foto pixabay. Laura gemser, gabriele tinti, maria romano, ursula flores, antonella giacomini, franco caracciolo, francoise perrot. This movie has been premiered in australian hd theatres in 1982 movies 1982. Bruno mattei emanuelle goes undercover into a prison to expose the corrupted officials who are brutalizing the inmates.